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ChatGPT et au-delà avec l’intelligence artificielle en santé : des leçons à tirer
(Revue du Rhumatisme. vol. 91, n° 1, pp. 12-15, 2024-01-01)Article de revue -
Modéliser la COVID-19 : de la population à l'individu
(Interstices, 2023-06-01)Article de revueLibre accès -
Qualité de vie liée à la santé chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH et l'hépatite C : Propriétés psychométriques de la version française de l'échelle WHOQOL-HIV BREF (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH)
(Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique. vol. 70, n° suppl.2, pp. S102-S103, 2022-05-01)Article de revue -
Réflexions pour la conception d'un protocole expérimental de détection des biais dans le triage d'urgence hospitalière à l'aide de modèles de langage
Communication dans un congrèsLibre accès -
Reporting of surrogate endpoints in randomised controlled trial reports (CONSORT-Surrogate): extension checklist with explanation and elaboration
(BMJ. vol. 386, pp. e078524, 2024-07-09)Article de revueLibre accès -
Innate and cellular immune response to the Ebola vaccine Ad26.ZEBOV, MVA-BN-Filo: an ancillary study of the EBL2001 phase II trial
(Journal of Infectious Diseases. pp. jiae360, 2024-07-16)Article de revue -
All-cause hospitalisation among people living with HIV according to gender, mode of HIV acquisition, ethnicity, and geographical origin in Europe and North America: findings from the ART-CC cohort collaboration
(Lancet Public Health. vol. 8, n° 10, pp. 776-787, 2023-10)Article de revueLibre accès -
Functional Principal Component Analysis as an Alternative to Mixed-Effect Models for Describing Sparse Repeated Measures in Presence of Missing Data.
(Statistics in Medicine, 2024-09-09)Article de revueLibre accès -
Propensity score matching after multiple imputation when a confounder has missing data
(Statistics in Medicine. vol. 42, n° 7, pp. 1082 - 1095, 2023-01-25)Article de revueLibre accès -
AI-Driven Emergency Patient Flow Optimization is Both an Unmissable Opportunity and a Risk of Systematizing Health Disparities
Communication dans un congrèsLibre accès -
Long-term cellular immunity of vaccines for Zaire Ebola Virus Diseases
(Nature Communications. vol. 15, n° 1, pp. 7666, 2024-09-03)Article de revueLibre accès -
The Teamwork Art in Public Health: a Qualitative Study.
Communication dans un congrèsLibre accès -
Dissecting humoral immune responses to an MVA-vectored MERS-CoV vaccine in humans using a systems serology approach
(iScience. vol. 27, n° 8, pp. 110470, 2024-08-16)Article de revueLibre accès -
Development and external validation of a prediction model for the transition from mild to moderate or severe form of COVID-19
(European Radiology, 2023-07-05)Article de revueLibre accès -
Estimating the population effectiveness of interventions against COVID-19 in France: A modelling study
(Epidemics. vol. 46, pp. 100744, 2024-03-01)Article de revueLibre accès -
Running in circles: practical limitations for real-life application of data fission and data thinning in post-clustering differential analysis
(2024)Document de travail - Pré-publicationLibre accès -
On the Choice of Longitudinal Models for the Analysis of Antitumor Efficacy in Mouse Clinical Trials of Patient-derived Xenograft Models
(Cancer Research Communications. vol. 3, n° 1, pp. 140-147, 2023-01-26)Article de revueLibre accès -
Clonal succession after prolonged antiretroviral therapy rejuvenates CD8 T cell responses against HIV-1
(Nature Immunology. vol. 25, n° 9, pp. 1555-1564, 2024-09-01)Article de revueLibre accès -
Public Health surveillance from emergency call center data: visualization dashboard and NLP of call reports: Public Health surveillance from EMCC data
(The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, FLAIRS-35 - 35th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, us, Hutchinson, 2022-05-04)Communication dans un congrès avec actesLibre accès -
ChatGPT and beyond with artificial intelligence (AI) in health: Lessons to be learned.
(Joint Bone Spine. vol. 90, n° 5, pp. 105607, 2023-09-01)Article de revue