Browsing by Author "ZABALZA, V."
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
TeV γ-ray observations of the young synchrotron-dominated SNRs G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 with H.E.S.S.
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; BENKHALI, F. Ait ...(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. vol. 441, n° 1, pp. 790-799, 2014-06)Article de revue -
Probing the gamma-ray emission from HESS J1834-087 using H.E.S.S. and Fermi LAT observations
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; BENKHALI, F. Ait ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 574, pp. A27, 2015)Article de revue -
Measurement of the EBL spectral energy distribution using the VHE $\gamma$-ray spectra of H.E.S.S. blazars
ABDALLA, H.; ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F. ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 606, pp. A59, 2017)Article de revue -
H.E.S.S. detection of TeV emission from the interaction region between the supernova remnant G349.7+0.2 and a molecular cloud
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; AIT BENKHALI, F. ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 574, pp. A100, 2015-02)Article de revue -
A search for new supernova remnant shells in the Galactic plane with H.E.S.S
ABDALLA, H.; ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F. ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 612, pp. A8, 2018)Article de revue -
Systematic search for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars
ABDALLA, H.; ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F. ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 612, pp. A12, 2018-04)Article de revue -
H.E.S.S. discovery of very high energy $\gamma$-ray emission from PKS 0625−354
ABDALLA, H.; ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F. ...(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. vol. 476, n° 3, pp. 4187-4198, 2018)Article de revue -
H.E.S.S. detection of TeV emission from the interaction region between the supernova remnant G349.7 0.2 and a molecular cloud (Corrigendum)
H.E.S.S, Collaboration; ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, Felix ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 580, pp. C1, 2015)Article de revue -
Erratum: HESS J1640-465 - an exceptionally luminous TeV γ-ray supernova remnant
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; AIT BENKHALI, F. ...(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. pp. 3640-3642, 2014)Article de revue -
Discovery of variable VHE gamma-ray emission from the binary system 1FGL J1018.6-5856
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; BENKHALI, F. Ait ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 577, pp. A131, 2015)Article de revue -
H.E.S.S. Observations of the Crab during its March 2013 GeV Gamma-Ray Flare
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; BENKHALI, F. Ait ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 562, pp. L4, 2014)Article de revue -
Search for extended γ-ray emission around AGN with H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; BENKHALI, F. Ait ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 562, pp. A145, 2014-02)Article de revue -
HESS J1818-154, a new composite supernova remnant discovered in TeV gamma rays and X-rays
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; BENKHALI, F. Ait ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 562, pp. A40, 2014)Article de revue -
Discovery of the hard spectrum VHE gamma-ray source HESS J1641-463
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; BENKHALI, F. Ait ...(The Astrophysical journal letters. vol. 794, n° 1, pp. L1, 2014)Article de revue -
Constraints on particle acceleration in SS433/W50 from MAGIC and H.E.S.S. observations
AHNEN, M.L.; ANSOLDI, S.; ANTONELLI, L.A. ...(Astron.Astrophys.. vol. 612, pp. A14, 2018)Article de revue -
Extended VHE $\gamma$-ray emission towards SGR1806−20, LBV 1806−20, and stellar cluster Cl* 1806−20
ABDALLA, H.; ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F. ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 612, pp. A11, 2018)Article de revue -
Deeper H.E.S.S. observations of Vela Junior (RX J0852.04622): Morphology studies and resolved spectroscopy
ABDALLA, H.; ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F. ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 612, pp. A7, 2018)Article de revue -
The supernova remnant W49B as seen with H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT
ABDALLA, H.; ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F. ...(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 612, pp. A5, 2018-04)Article de revue -
Discovery of the VHE gamma-ray source HESS J1832-093 in the vicinity of SNR G22.7-0.2
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; ACERO, Fabio; AHARONIAN, F. ...(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. vol. 446, pp. 1163-1169, 2015)Article de revue -
HESS J1640-465 - an exceptionally luminous TeV γ-ray supernova remnant
ABRAMOWSKI, A.; AHARONIAN, F.; AIT BENKHALI, F. ...(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. vol. 439, pp. 2828-2836, 2014-02)Article de revue