Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB) - UMR 5251: envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 601-620 de 6384
Simple and conservative mesh adaptation for shallow water flows
Communication dans un congrès -
$\mathrm{GL}^+(2,\mathbb{R})$-orbits in Prym eigenform loci
(Geometry and Topology. vol. 20, n° 3, pp. 1359-1426, 2016-07-04)Article de revue -
Complete periodicity of Prym eigenforms
(Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. vol. 49, n° 1, pp. 87-30, 2016)Article de revue -
Mesh adaptation by local remeshing and application to immersed boundary methods in fluid mechanics. Workshop DIP TOTAL/INRIA
Communication dans un congrès -
MRI monitoring of nanocarrier accumulation and release using Gadolinium-SPIO co-labelled thermosensitive liposomes
(Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 2016-01-01)Article de revue -
Numerical Analysis of a Finite Element Method for an Optimal Control of Bidomain-bath Model
(Journal of Differential Equations. vol. 263, n° 5, pp. 2419–2456, 2017-07-18)Article de revue -
Communication dans un congrès -
(2014-12-18)Document de travail - Pré-publication -
Asymptotic analysis in a gas-solid combustion model with pattern formation
(Chinese Annals of Mathematics - Series B. vol. 34, n° 1, pp. 24, 2013-01)Article de revue -
Two-dimensional stability analysis in a HIV model with quadratic logistic growth term
(Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. vol. 12, n° 5, pp. 32, 2013-09)Article de revue -
A 3D boundary optimal control for the bidomain-bath system modeling the thoracic shock therapy for cardiac defibrillation
(Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2016)Article de revue -
On a strongly damped wave equation for the flame front
(Chinese Annals of Mathematics - Series B. vol. 31, n° 6, pp. 22, 2010-11)Article de revue -
Collinear CM-points
(Algebra & Number Theory. vol. 11, pp. 1047-1087, 2017)Article de revue -
Spatial Modeling of Tumor Drug Resistance: the case of GIST Liver Metastases
(Mathematical Medicine and Biology. pp. 26, 2014-12-01)Article de revue -
A Nash-Moser theorem for singular evolution equations. Application to the Serre and Green-Naghdi equations
Document de travail - Pré-publication -
Decomposition of sparse graphs, with application to game coloring number
(Contributions to Discrete Mathematics. vol. 310, n° 10-11, 2010-06)Article de revue -
Dynamique des populations et modélisation : application aux systèmes hôtes-macroparasites et à l'épidémiologie en environnement marin.
(Lavoisier, 1997)Chapitre d'ouvrage -
Solving the forward problem of helioseismology in the frequency domain
Communication dans un congrès -
Rate of convergence for the discrete-time approximation of reflected BSDEs arising in switching problems
(Stochastic Processes and their Applications. vol. 129, n° 11, 2019)Article de revue -
A survey on reverse Carleson measures
Communication dans un congrès