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dc.contributor.authorQUANTIN, Matthieu
hal.structure.identifierArchéosciences Bordeaux
dc.contributor.authorTOURNON, Sarah
hal.structure.identifierArchéosciences Bordeaux
dc.contributor.authorCHAYANI, Mehdi
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences [LP2N]
dc.contributor.authorGRANIER, Xavier
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes [LS2N]
hal.structure.identifierNANTES UNIVERSITÉ - École Centrale de Nantes [Nantes Univ - ECN]
dc.contributor.authorLAROCHE, Florent
dc.description.abstractEnAbstract We present here the French solution for long-term archiving combined with online publication of 3D research data in the humanities. The focus is on the paradata that document the technical process involved in obtaining the 3D result. Our schema, initially limited to the fields of archaeology and cultural heritage, is now open to other areas of the human sciences. The choice of data organization, metadata, paradata, standards and infrastructure is in line with the FAIR principles of the semantic web. It is aligned with standard vocabularies and mapped to the Europeana Data Model (EDM). The CINES (Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur.), the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) infrastructure for research data in France, is in charge of archiving. We take care of data documentation and propose to publish part of these documented data at the same time. On the user side, we developed aLTAG3D, a desktop UI software to help research teams to create their OAIS Submission Information Package (SIP). On the publication side, we provide a DOI and a 3D viewer on the online plateform to meet the needs of researchers and public communication. On the archiving side, long-term archiving has given direction to the way our description schema works: it is focused on reproducibility. The content of the SIP is centered on the 3D data, its build process and sources. Paradata describing the process to the 3D file is under development and several options are under study with CIDOC CRM-Dig or W3C prov-O ontologies.
dc.publisherSpringer Nature Switzerland
dc.source.title3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage V
dc.title.enPublishing and Long-Term Archiving 3D Data in Humanities
dc.typeChapitre d'ouvrage
dc.subject.halSciences de l'Homme et Société
dc.subject.halInformatique [cs]/Bibliothèque électronique [cs.DL]
bordeaux.title.proceeding3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage V

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