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hal.structure.identifierTechnische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich [TUM]
dc.contributor.authorGRÜNIG, Marc
hal.structure.identifierTechnische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich [TUM]
dc.contributor.authorRAMMER, Werner
hal.structure.identifierNatural Resources Institute Finland [LUKE]
dc.contributor.authorALBRICH, Katharina
hal.structure.identifierUniversité Catholique de Louvain = Catholic University of Louvain [UCL]
dc.contributor.authorANDRÉ, Frédéric
hal.structure.identifierInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [Laxenburg] [IIASA]
dc.contributor.authorAUGUSTYNCZIK, Andrey L.D.
hal.structure.identifierHelmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung = Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research [UFZ]
dc.contributor.authorBOHN, Friedrich
hal.structure.identifierWageningen University and Research [Wageningen] [WUR]
dc.contributor.authorBOUWMAN, Meike
hal.structure.identifierInstitute of Terrestrial Ecosystems [ITES]
dc.contributor.authorBUGMANN, Harald
hal.structure.identifierIstituto per i Sistemi Agricoli e Forestali del Mediterraneo [ISAFOM]
hal.structure.identifierNational Biodiversity Future Center [NBFC]
dc.contributor.authorCOLLALTI, Alessio
hal.structure.identifierForest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia [Solsona, Spain] [CTFC]
dc.contributor.authorCRISTAL, Irina
hal.structure.identifierIstituto per i Sistemi Agricoli e Forestali del Mediterraneo [ISAFOM]
hal.structure.identifierNational Biodiversity Future Center [NBFC]
dc.contributor.authorDALMONECH, Daniela
hal.structure.identifierCentre for Ecological Research and Applied Forestries = Centre de Recerca Ecologica i Aplicacions Forestals [CREAF]
dc.contributor.authorDE CACERES, Miquel
hal.structure.identifierBotanique et Modélisation de l'Architecture des Plantes et des Végétations [UMR AMAP]
dc.contributor.authorDE COLIGNY, François
hal.structure.identifierCzech University of Life Sciences Prague [CZU]
dc.contributor.authorDOBOR, Laura
hal.structure.identifierTechnische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich [TUM]
dc.contributor.authorDOLLINGER, Christina
hal.structure.identifierCSIRO Environment Business Unit
dc.contributor.authorFORRESTER, David
hal.structure.identifierForest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia [Solsona, Spain] [CTFC]
dc.contributor.authorGARCIA-GONZALO, Jordi
hal.structure.identifierForest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia [Solsona, Spain] [CTFC]
dc.contributor.authorGONZÁLEZ, José Ramón
hal.structure.identifierInstitute of Terrestrial Ecosystems [ITES]
dc.contributor.authorHILTNER, Ulrike
hal.structure.identifierCzech University of Life Sciences Prague [CZU]
dc.contributor.authorHLÁSNY, Tomáš
hal.structure.identifierNatural Resources Institute Finland [LUKE]
dc.contributor.authorHONKANIEMI, Juha
hal.structure.identifierInstitute of Terrestrial Ecosystems [ITES]
hal.structure.identifierSwiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
dc.contributor.authorHUBER, Nica
hal.structure.identifierUniversité Catholique de Louvain = Catholic University of Louvain [UCL]
dc.contributor.authorJONARD, Mathieu
hal.structure.identifierLund University
dc.contributor.authorMARIA JÖNSSON, Anna
hal.structure.identifierLund University
dc.contributor.authorLAGERGREN, Fredrik
hal.structure.identifierPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research [PIK]
hal.structure.identifierEuropean Forest Institute
hal.structure.identifierTechnische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology [TU Dresden]
dc.contributor.authorNIEBERG, Mats
hal.structure.identifierInstitute for Alpine Environment, Eurac Research
dc.contributor.authorMINA, Marco
hal.structure.identifierWageningen University and Research [Wageningen] [WUR]
dc.contributor.authorMOHREN, Frits
hal.structure.identifierBern University of Applied Sciences [BFH]
dc.contributor.authorMOOS, Christine
hal.structure.identifierCentre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive [CEFE]
dc.contributor.authorMORIN, Xavier
hal.structure.identifierCatholic University of Leuven = Katholieke Universiteit Leuven [KU Leuven]
dc.contributor.authorMUYS, Bart
hal.structure.identifierNatural Resources Institute Finland [LUKE]
dc.contributor.authorPELTONIEMI, Mikko
hal.structure.identifierPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research [PIK]
dc.contributor.authorREYER, Christopher Po
hal.structure.identifierCatholic University of Leuven = Katholieke Universiteit Leuven [KU Leuven]
dc.contributor.authorSTORMS, Ilié
hal.structure.identifierTechnische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich [TUM]
dc.contributor.authorTHOM, Dominik
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
hal.structure.identifierCentre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive [CEFE]
dc.contributor.authorTOÏGO, Maude
hal.structure.identifierTechnische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich [TUM]
dc.contributor.authorSEIDL, Rupert
dc.description.abstractEnProcess-based forest models combine biological, physical, and chemical process understanding to simulate forest dynamics as an emergent property of the system. As such, they are valuable tools to investigate the effects of climate change on forest ecosystems. Specifically, they allow testing of hypotheses regarding long-term ecosystem dynamics and provide means to assess the impacts of climate scenarios on future forest development. As a consequence, numerous local-scale simulation studies have been conducted over the past decades to assess the impacts of climate change on forests. These studies apply the best available models tailored to local conditions, parameterized and evaluated by local experts. However, this treasure trove of knowledge on climate change responses remains underexplored to date, as a consistent and harmonized dataset of local model simulations is missing.Here, our objectives were (i) to compile existing local simulations on forest development under climate change in Europe in a common database, (ii) to harmonize them to a common suite of output variables, and (iii) to provide a standardized vector of auxiliary environmental variables for each simulated location to aid subsequent investigations. Our dataset of European stand- and landscape-level forest simulations contains over 1.1 million simulation runs representing 135 million simulation years for more than 13,000 unique locations spread across Europe. The data were harmonized to consistently describe forest development in terms of stand structure (dominant height), composition (dominant species, admixed species), and functioning (leaf area index). Auxiliary variables provided include consistent daily climate information (temperature, precipitation, radiation, vapor pressure deficit) as well as information on local site conditions (soil depth, soil physical properties, soil water holding capacity, plant-available nitrogen). The present dataset facilitates analyses across models and locations, with the aim to better harness the valuable information contained in local simulations for large-scale policy support, and for fostering a deeper understanding of the effects of climate change on forest ecosystems in Europe.
dc.subject.enProcess-based models
dc.subject.enVegetation dynamics
dc.subject.enEurope's forests
dc.subject.enForest development
dc.subject.enForest structure
dc.subject.enForest composition
dc.subject.enForest functioning
dc.title.enA harmonized database of European forest simulations under climate change
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.typeData paper
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Ecologie, Environnement/Bioclimatologie
dc.subject.halInformatique [cs]/Base de données [cs.DB]
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Sciences agricoles/Sylviculture, foresterie
bordeaux.journalData in Brief

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