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hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorPROHASKA, Alexandre
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorPETIT, Aurélie
hal.structure.identifierHansabred GmbH&Co
dc.contributor.authorLESEMANN, Silke
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorREY-SERRA, Pol
hal.structure.identifierPolytechnic University of Marche [Ancona, Italy] / Università Politecnica delle Marche [Ancona, Italia] [UNIVPM]
dc.contributor.authorMAZZONI, Luca
hal.structure.identifierThe National Institute of Horticultural Research
dc.contributor.authorMASNY, Agnieszka
hal.structure.identifierInstituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera [IFAPA]
dc.contributor.authorSÁNCHEZ-SEVILLA, José
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorGASTON, Amèlia
hal.structure.identifierThe National Institute of Horticultural Research
dc.contributor.authorKLAMKOWSKI, Krzysztof
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorROTHAN, Christophe
hal.structure.identifierPolytechnic University of Marche [Ancona, Italy] / Università Politecnica delle Marche [Ancona, Italia] [UNIVPM]
dc.contributor.authorMEZZETTI, Bruno
hal.structure.identifierInstituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera [IFAPA]
dc.contributor.authorAMAYA, Iraida
hal.structure.identifierHansabred GmbH&Co
dc.contributor.authorOLBRICHT, Klaus
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorDENOYES, Béatrice
dc.description.abstractEn<div><p>Flowering time (FT), which determines when fruits or seeds can be harvested, is subject to phenotypic plasticity, that is, the ability of a genotype to display different phenotypes in response to environmental variation. Here, we investigated how the environment affects the genetic architecture of FT in cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) and modifies its quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects. To this end, we used a bi-parental segregating population grown for 2 years at widely divergent latitudes (five European countries) and combined climatic variables with genomic data (Affymetrix SNP array). Examination, using different phenological models, of the response of FT to photoperiod, temperature, and global radiation indicated that temperature is the main driver of FT in strawberry. We next characterized in the segregating population the phenotypic plasticity of FT by using three statistical approaches that generated plasticity parameters including reaction norm parameters. We detected 25 FT QTLs summarized as 10 unique QTLs. Mean values and plasticity parameter QTLs were co-localized in three of them, including the major 6D_M QTL whose effect is strongly modulated by temperature. The design and validation of a genetic marker for the 6D_M QTL offers great potential for breeding programs, for example selecting early-flowering strawberry varieties well adapted to different environmental conditions.</p></div>
dc.publisherOxford University Press (OUP)
dc.subject.enGenotype×environment interaction (G×E)
dc.subject.enflowering time
dc.subject.enphenotypic plasticity
dc.subject.enQTL-by-environment interaction (QEI)
dc.subject.enquantitative trait locus (QTL)
dc.title.enStrawberry phenotypic plasticity in flowering time is driven by the interaction between genetic loci and temperature
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biologie végétale
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropeBreedingValue project No. 101000747
bordeaux.journalJournal of Experimental Botany
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesBiologie du Fruit & Pathologie (BFP) - UMR 1332*
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeaux

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