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hal.structure.identifierInteractions Sol Plante Atmosphère [UMR ISPA]
dc.contributor.authorWINGATE, L.
hal.structure.identifierInteractions Sol Plante Atmosphère [UMR ISPA]
dc.contributor.authorOGÉE, J.
hal.structure.identifierAosta Valley Regional Environmental Protection Agency [ARPA]
dc.contributor.authorCREMONESE, E.
hal.structure.identifierAosta Valley Regional Environmental Protection Agency [ARPA]
dc.contributor.authorFILIPPA, G.
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of Edinburgh [Edin.]
dc.contributor.authorMIZUNUMA, T.
hal.structure.identifierMax-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie [MPI-BGC]
dc.contributor.authorMIGLIAVACCA, M.
hal.structure.identifierInteractions Sol Plante Atmosphère [UMR ISPA]
dc.contributor.authorMOISY, C.
hal.structure.identifierAlice Holt Lodge
dc.contributor.authorWILKINSON, M.
hal.structure.identifierGembloux Agro-Bio Tech [Gembloux]
dc.contributor.authorMOUREAUX, C.
hal.structure.identifierEuropean Academy of Bozen-Bolzano [EURAC]
hal.structure.identifierUniversität Innsbruck [Innsbruck]
dc.contributor.authorWOHLFAHRT, G.
hal.structure.identifierUniversität Innsbruck [Innsbruck]
dc.contributor.authorHAMMERLE, A.
hal.structure.identifierUniversität Innsbruck [Innsbruck]
hal.structure.identifierEidgenössische Technische Hochschule - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology [Zürich] [ETH Zürich]
dc.contributor.authorHÖRTNAGL, L.
hal.structure.identifierCentro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterraneo
dc.contributor.authorGIMENO, C.
hal.structure.identifierHelsingin yliopisto = Helsingfors universitet = University of Helsinki
dc.contributor.authorPORCAR-CASTELL, A.
hal.structure.identifierAosta Valley Regional Environmental Protection Agency [ARPA]
dc.contributor.authorGALVAGNO, M.
hal.structure.identifierHokkaido University [Sapporo, Japan]
dc.contributor.authorNAKAJI, T.
hal.structure.identifierAlice Holt Lodge
dc.contributor.authorMORISON, J.
hal.structure.identifierMax-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie [MPI-BGC]
dc.contributor.authorKOLLE, O.
hal.structure.identifierGeorg-August-University = Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
dc.contributor.authorKNOHL, A.
dc.contributor.authorKUTSCH, W.
hal.structure.identifierHelsingin yliopisto = Helsingfors universitet = University of Helsinki
dc.contributor.authorKOLARI, P.
hal.structure.identifierHelsingin yliopisto = Helsingfors universitet = University of Helsinki
dc.contributor.authorNIKINMAA, E.
hal.structure.identifierRisø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy [Risø DTU]
dc.contributor.authorIBROM, A.
hal.structure.identifierUniversiteit Antwerpen = University of Antwerpen [Antwerpen]
dc.contributor.authorGIELEN, B.
hal.structure.identifierEidgenössische Technische Hochschule - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology [Zürich] [ETH Zürich]
dc.contributor.authorEUGSTER, W.
hal.structure.identifierUniversità degli studi della Tuscia [Viterbo]
hal.structure.identifierUniversiteit Antwerpen = University of Antwerpen [Antwerpen]
dc.contributor.authorBALZAROLO, M.
hal.structure.identifierUniversità degli studi della Tuscia [Viterbo]
dc.contributor.authorPAPALE, D.
hal.structure.identifierDépartement Ecologie des Forêts, Prairies et milieux Aquatiques [DEPT EFPA]
dc.contributor.authorKLUMPP, K.
hal.structure.identifierTechnische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology [TU Dresden]
dc.contributor.authorKÖSTNER, B.
hal.structure.identifierTechnische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology [TU Dresden]
dc.contributor.authorGRÜNWALD, T.
hal.structure.identifierCentre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive [CEFE]
dc.contributor.authorJOFFRE, R.
hal.structure.identifierCentre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive [CEFE]
dc.contributor.authorOURCIVAL, J.
hal.structure.identifierSkane University Hospital [Lund]
dc.contributor.authorHELLSTROM, M.
hal.structure.identifierSkane University Hospital [Lund]
dc.contributor.authorLINDROTH, A.
hal.structure.identifierCentre for Ecology and Hydrology [UKCEH]
dc.contributor.authorGEORGE, C.
hal.structure.identifierEcologie et Ecophysiologie Forestières [devient SILVA en 2018] [EEF]
dc.contributor.authorLONGDOZ, B.
hal.structure.identifierBiologie végétale et microbiologie environnementale - UMR7265 [BVME]
dc.contributor.authorGENTY, B.
hal.structure.identifierHelsingin yliopisto = Helsingfors universitet = University of Helsinki
dc.contributor.authorLEVULA, J.
hal.structure.identifierGembloux Agro-Bio Tech [Gembloux]
dc.contributor.authorHEINESCH, B.
dc.contributor.authorSPRINTSIN, M.
hal.structure.identifierWeizmann Institute of Science [Rehovot, Israël]
dc.contributor.authorYAKIR, D.
hal.structure.identifierGembloux Agro-Bio Tech [Gembloux]
dc.contributor.authorMANISE, T.
hal.structure.identifierInteractions Sol Plante Atmosphère [UMR ISPA]
dc.contributor.authorGUYON, D.
hal.structure.identifierUniversität zu Köln = University of Cologne
hal.structure.identifierEidgenössische Technische Hochschule - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology [Zürich] [ETH Zürich]
dc.contributor.authorAHRENDS, H.
hal.structure.identifierDepartment of Plant Sciences (Cambridge, UK)
dc.contributor.authorPLAZA-AGUILAR, A.
hal.structure.identifierMax-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie [MPI-BGC]
dc.contributor.authorGUAN, J.
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of Edinburgh [Edin.]
dc.contributor.authorGRACE, J.
dc.description.abstractEnPlant phenological development is orchestrated through subtle changes in photoperiod, temperature, soil moisture and nutrient availability. Presently, the exact timing of plant development stages and their response to climate and management practices are crudely represented in land surface models. As visual observations of phenology are laborious, there is a need to supplement long-term observations with automated techniques such as those provided by digital repeat photography at high temporal and spatial resolution. We present the first synthesis from a growing observational network of digital cameras installed on towers across Europe above deciduous and evergreen forests, grasslands and croplands, where vegetation and atmosphere CO2 fluxes are measured continuously. Using colour indices from digital images and using piecewise regression analysis of time series, we explored whether key changes in canopy phenology could be detected automatically across different land use types in the network. The piecewise regression approach could capture the start and end of the growing season, in addition to identifying striking changes in colour signals caused by flowering and management practices such as mowing. Exploring the dates of green-up and senescence of deciduous forests extracted by the piecewise regression approach against dates estimated from visual observations, we found that these phenological events could be detected adequately (RMSE < 8 and 11 days for leaf out and leaf fall, respectively). We also investigated whether the seasonal patterns of red, green and blue colour fractions derived from digital images could be modelled mechanistically using the PROSAIL model parameterised with information of seasonal changes in canopy leaf area and leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations. From a model sensitivity analysis we found that variations in colour fractions, and in particular the late spring 'green hump' observed repeatedly in deciduous broadleaf canopies across the network, are essentially dominated by changes in the respective pigment concentrations. Using the model we were able to explain why this spring maximum in green signal is often observed out of phase with the maximum period of canopy photosynthesis in ecosystems across Europe. Coupling such quasi-continuous digital records of canopy colours with co-located CO2 flux measurements will improve our understanding of how changes in growing season length are likely to shape the capacity of European ecosystems to sequester CO2 in the future.
dc.publisherEuropean Geosciences Union
dc.title.enInterpreting canopy development and physiology using a European phenology camera network at flux sites
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]
bordeaux.page5995 - 6015
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesInteractions Soil Plant Atmosphere (ISPA) - UMR 1391*
bordeaux.institutionBordeaux Sciences Agro

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