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hal.structure.identifierInstitut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture [IRSTEA]
dc.contributor.authorDAUMER, Marie-Line
hal.structure.identifierAssociation Solagro [Solagro]
dc.contributor.authorBERGER, Sylvaine
hal.structure.identifierEcole nationale supérieure des ingénieurs en arts chimiques et technologiques [ENSIACET]
dc.contributor.authorBISCANS, Beatrice
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire de Biotechnologie de l'Environnement [Narbonne] [LBE]
dc.contributor.authorBROCKMANN, Doris
hal.structure.identifierValbio Paris
dc.contributor.authorDECKER, François
dc.contributor.authorMARMIGNON, Charlène
hal.structure.identifierInteractions Sol Plante Atmosphère [UMR ISPA]
dc.contributor.authorMOREL, Christian
dc.contributor.authorROBIN, Isabelle
hal.structure.identifierGestion environnementale et traitement biologique des déchets [UR GERE]
dc.contributor.authorSANTELLANI, Anne-Cécile
hal.structure.identifierInstitut National des Sciences Appliquées - Toulouse [INSA Toulouse]
dc.contributor.authorSPERANDIO, Mathieu
dc.description.abstractEnThe main sources for P recycling are animal manure and wastewater and the best way to close the loop is to produce a fertilizer which can substitute mineral fertilizers produced from ore. This can be achieved by producing products containing struvite (MgNH4PO4, 6H2O) and calcium phosphates as a form available for plants. In the both cases P crystallization is the key step of the process. The Phosph’OR project (2010-2014), funded by the French agency for research (ANR) gathered together four academic research institutes and four small enterprises to share and develop knowledge about P crystallization in the aim to design two recycling processes producing struvite or biological granules enriched with calcium phosphate, from high loaded organic effluents such as animal manure or food industries wastewater. The influence of mineral composition and organic matter on competition between struvite and calcium phosphates precipitation had been studied both in synthetic and real wastewater. A model allowing predicting the influence of process parameters on chemical reactions and kinetics is under development. Two lab scale and two semi-industrial scale pilots producing struvite and biological granules enriched with calcium phosphates identified as hydroxyapatite had been tested. The P efficiency of the recycled products compared to commercial triple superphosphate (CaH2PO4) and pure struvite and hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH) had been assessed by a pot experiment and soil incubations studies. The economic and environmental assessment of the processes (ACV) compared to reference scenarios of effluent management has been carried out. The purpose of this presentation is to give an overview of the most impacting and relevant results obtained during this collaborative research program.
dc.description.sponsorshipdéveloppement de procédés de recyclage du phosphore sous une forme valorisable en agriculture - ANR-09-ECOT-0014
dc.title.enPhosphorus recycled from pig manure and food industry effluents: experiences from bench to semi-industrial pilot scales
dc.typeAutre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Sciences agricoles
dc.subject.halSciences de l'environnement/Environnement et Société
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesInteractions Soil Plant Atmosphere (ISPA) - UMR 1391*
bordeaux.institutionBordeaux Sciences Agro
bordeaux.conference.title4. Sustainable Phosphorus Summit SPS 2014

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