Sap Flow Disruption in Grapevine Is the Early Signal Predicting the Structural, Functional, and Genetic Responses to Esca Disease
(Frontiers in Plant Science. vol. 12, pp. 695846, 2021-07-01)Article de revueOpen access -
Evidence for hydraulic vulnerability segmentation and lack of xylem refilling under tension
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Increased hydraulic constraints in Eucalyptus plantations fertilized with potassium
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The roles of conduit redundancy and connectivity in xylem hydraulic functions
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Productivity of low-input short-rotation coppice American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) grown at different planting densities as a bioenergy feedstock over two rotation cycles
(Biomass and Bioenergy. vol. 146, pp. 1-8, 2021-03-01)Article de revueOpen access -
Taylor dispersion in osmotically driven laminar flows in phloem
(Journal of Fluid Mechanics. vol. 913, pp. 1-26, 2021-04-25)Article de revueOpen access -
Understorey-overstorey biotic and nutrient interactions are key factors for Pinus pinaster growth and development under oligotrophic conditions
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Ecosystem productivity and evapotranspiration are tightly coupled in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations along the coastal plain of the southeastern U.S.
(Forests. vol. 12, n° 8, pp. 1-18, 2021-08-22)Article de revueOpen access -
Interclonal variation, coordination, and trade-offs between hydraulic conductance and gas exchange in Pinus radiata : consequences on plant growth and wood density
(Journal of Experimental Botany. vol. 72, n° 7, pp. 2419-2433, 2021-03-29)Article de revueOpen access -
Heterotrophic Respiration and the Divergence of Productivity and Carbon Sequestration
(Geophysical Research Letters. vol. 48, n° 7, 2021-04-16)Article de revueOpen access