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hal.structure.identifierGerman Aerospace Center [DLR]
dc.contributor.authorSCHULDT, Thilo
hal.structure.identifierLeibniz Universität Hannover=Leibniz University Hannover
dc.contributor.authorSCHUBERT, Christian
dc.contributor.authorKRUTZIK, Markus
dc.contributor.authorBOTE, Lluis Gesa
hal.structure.identifierInstitut für Quantenoptik [Hannover] [IQ]
dc.contributor.authorGAALOUL, Naceur
hal.structure.identifierInstitut für Quantenoptik [Hannover] [IQ]
dc.contributor.authorHARTWIG, Jonas
dc.contributor.authorAHLERS, Holger
dc.contributor.authorHERR, Waldemar
dc.contributor.authorPOSSO-TRUJILLO, Katerine
dc.contributor.authorRUDOLPH, Jan
dc.contributor.authorSEIDEL, Stephan
dc.contributor.authorWENDRICH, Thijs
hal.structure.identifierInstitut für Quantenoptik [Hannover] [IQ]
dc.contributor.authorERTMER, Wolfgang
hal.structure.identifierCenter of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity [ZARM]
dc.contributor.authorHERRMANN, Sven
dc.contributor.authorKUBELKA-LANGE, André
dc.contributor.authorMILKE, Alexander
hal.structure.identifierCenter of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity [ZARM]
dc.contributor.authorRIEVERS, Benny
dc.contributor.authorROCCO, Emanuele
dc.contributor.authorHINTON, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorBONGS, Kai
dc.contributor.authorOSWALD, Markus
hal.structure.identifierDepartment of Mathematics
dc.contributor.authorFRANZ, Matthias
dc.contributor.authorHAUTH, Matthias
dc.contributor.authorPETERS, Achim
dc.contributor.authorBAWAMIA, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorWICHT, Andreas
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences [LP2N]
dc.contributor.authorBATTELIER, Baptiste
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences [LP2N]
dc.contributor.authorBERTOLDI, Andrea
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences [LP2N]
dc.contributor.authorBOUYER, Philippe
hal.structure.identifierSystèmes de Référence Temps Espace [SYRTE]
dc.contributor.authorLANDRAGIN, Arnaud
dc.contributor.authorMASSONNET, Didier
hal.structure.identifierSystèmes de Référence Temps Espace [SYRTE]
dc.contributor.authorLÉVÈQUE, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorWENZLAWSKI, Andre
dc.contributor.authorHELLMIG, Ortwin
dc.contributor.authorWINDPASSINGER, Patrick
hal.structure.identifierUniversität Hamburg = University of Hamburg [UHH]
dc.contributor.authorSENGSTOCK, Klaus
hal.structure.identifierInstitute of Electronic Structure and Laser [FORTH-IESL]
dc.contributor.authorVON KLITZING, Wolf
dc.contributor.authorCHALONER, Chris
dc.contributor.authorSUMMERS, David
dc.contributor.authorIRELAND, Philip
dc.contributor.authorMATEOS, Ignacio
hal.structure.identifierInstitute of Space Sciences [Barcelona] [ICE-CSIC]
dc.contributor.authorSOPUERTA, Carlos
hal.structure.identifierINFN Sezione di Firenze
dc.contributor.authorSORRENTINO, Fiodor
dc.contributor.authorTINO, Guglielmo
dc.contributor.authorWILLIAMS, Michael
hal.structure.identifierAstrium Ltd
dc.contributor.authorTRENKEL, Christian
dc.contributor.authorGERARDI, Domenico
hal.structure.identifierAirbus Defence and Space Germany
dc.contributor.authorCHWALLA, Michael
dc.contributor.authorBURKHARDT, Johannes
hal.structure.identifierAirbus Defence and Space Germany
dc.contributor.authorJOHANN, Ulrich
dc.contributor.authorHESKE, Astrid
dc.contributor.authorWILLE, Eric
dc.contributor.authorGEHLER, Martin
hal.structure.identifierAgence Spatiale Européenne = European Space Agency [ESA]
dc.contributor.authorCACCIAPUOTI, Luigi
hal.structure.identifierCenter of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity [ZARM]
dc.contributor.authorGÜRLEBECK, Norman
hal.structure.identifierDeutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt [DLR]
dc.contributor.authorBRAXMAIER, Claus
hal.structure.identifierInstitut für Quantenoptik [Hannover] [IQ]
dc.contributor.authorRASEL, Ernst
dc.description.abstractEnAtom interferometers have a multitude of proposed applications in space including precise measurements of the Earth's gravitational field, in navigation & ranging, and in fundamental physics such as tests of the weak equivalence principle (WEP) and gravitational wave detection. While atom interferometers are realized routinely in ground-based laboratories, current efforts aim at the development of a space compatible design optimized with respect to dimensions, weight, power consumption, mechanical robustness and radiation hardness. In this paper, we present a design of a high-sensitivity differential dual species 85Rb/87Rb atom interferometer for space, including physics package, laser system, electronics and software. The physics package comprises the atom source consisting of dispensers and a 2D magneto-optical trap (MOT), the science chamber with a 3D-MOT, a magnetic trap based on an atom chip and an optical dipole trap (ODT) used for Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) creation and interferometry, the detection unit, the vacuum system for 10-11 mbar ultra-high vacuum generation, and the high-suppression factor magnetic shielding as well as the thermal control system. The laser system is based on a hybrid approach using fiber-based telecom components and high-power laser diode technology and includes all laser sources for 2D-MOT, 3D-MOT, ODT, interferometry and detection. Manipulation and switching of the laser beams is carried out on an optical bench using Zerodur bonding technology. The instrument consists of 9 units with an overall mass of 221 kg, an average power consumption of 608 W (814 W peak), and a volume of 470 liters which would well fit on a satellite to be launched with a Soyuz rocket, as system studies have shown.
dc.publisherSpringer Link
dc.subject.enAtom interferometer
dc.subject.enSpace technology
dc.subject.enEquivalence principle test
dc.subject.enBose-Einstein condensate
dc.subject.enPhysics - Instrumentation and Detectors
dc.subject.enGeneral Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
dc.subject.enPhysics - Atomic Physics
dc.subject.enPhysics - Space Physics
dc.subject.enQuantum Physics
dc.title.enDesign of a dual species atom interferometer for space
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halPlanète et Univers [physics]
dc.subject.halPlanète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]
dc.subject.halPhysique [physics]
bordeaux.journalExperimental Astronomy
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesLaboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N) - UMR 5298*
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeaux

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