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hal.structure.identifierMathematical Oncology Laboratory [Ciudad Real] [MôLAB]
dc.contributor.authorHENARES-MOLINA, Araceli
hal.structure.identifierInstitut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
hal.structure.identifierModélisation Mathématique pour l'Oncologie [MONC]
dc.contributor.authorBENZEKRY, Sébastien
hal.structure.identifierDepartment of Radiation Oncology [Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]
dc.contributor.authorLARA, Pedro
hal.structure.identifierDepartment of Pathology [Jerez de la Frontera]
dc.contributor.authorGARCÍA-ROJO, Marcial
hal.structure.identifierMathematical Oncology Laboratory [Ciudad Real] [MôLAB]
dc.contributor.authorPÉREZ-GARCÍA, Víctor
hal.structure.identifierMathematical Oncology Laboratory [Ciudad Real] [MôLAB]
dc.contributor.authorMARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Alicia
dc.description.abstractEnGrade II gliomas are slowly growing primary brain tumors that affect mostly young patients. Cytotoxic therapies (radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy) are used initially only for patients having a bad prognosis. These therapies are planned following the " maximum dose in minimum time " principle, i. e. the same schedule used for high-grade brain tumors in spite of their very different behavior. These tumors transform after a variable time into high-grade gliomas, which significantly decreases the patient's life expectancy. In this paper we study mathematical models describing the growth of grade II gliomas in response to radiotherapy. We find that protracted metronomic fractionations, i.e. therapeutical schedules enlarging the time interval between low-dose radiotherapy fractions, may lead to a better tumor control without an increase in toxicity. Other non-standard fractionations such as protracted or hypoprotracted schemes may also be beneficial. The potential survival improvement depends on the tumor's proliferation rate and can be even of the order of years. A conservative metronomic scheme, still being a suboptimal treatment, delays the time to malignant progression by at least one year when compared to the standard scheme.
dc.publisherPublic Library of Science
dc.title.enNon-standard radiotherapy fractionations delay the time to malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Cancer
bordeaux.journalPLoS ONE

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