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hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
hal.structure.identifierBrest State University
dc.contributor.authorKOLBAS, Aliaksandr
hal.structure.identifierPhytotech Foundation
dc.contributor.authorHERZIG, Rolf
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorMARCHAND, Lilian
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorMAALOUF, Jean-Paul
hal.structure.identifierBrest State University
dc.contributor.authorKOLBAS, Natallia
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorMENCH, Michel
dc.description.abstractEnA Cu-resistant somaclonal tobacco variant (NBCu 10-8-F1, C1), its BaG mother clone (C3), and the FoP tobacco clone (C2) were cultivated at a wood preservation site on Cu-contaminated soils (239-1290 mg Cu kg(-1) soil range) and an uncontaminated control site (CTRL, 21 mg Cu kg(-1)) to assess their shoot DW yields and potential use for bioavailable Cu stripping. The Cu concentration in the soil pore water varied between 0.15 and 0.84 mg L-1. Influences of Cu exposure and soil treatments, i.e., untreated soil (Unt), soils amended with compost and either dolomitic limestone (OMDL) or zerovalent iron grit (OMZ), on plant growth and shoot ionome were determined. All transplants survived and grew even at high total soil Cu. Shoots were harvested after 3 months (cut 1). Subsequently, bottom suckers developed and were harvested after 2 months (cut 2). Total shoot DW yield (cuts 1 + 2) varied between 0.8 and 9.9 t DW ha(-1) year(-1) depending on tobacco cultivars, soil treatments, and soil Cu exposure. It peaked for all cultivars in the OMDL plots at moderate Cu exposure (239-518 mg kg(-1) soil), notably for the C2 plants. Cut 2 contributed for 11-43% to total shoot DW yield. Increase in shoot DW yield diluted shoot Cu concentration. At low Cu exposure, total shoot Cu removal peaked for the variant. At moderate Cu exposure, shoot Cu concentrations were similar in all cultivars, but total shoot Cu removal was highest for the C2 plants. At high Cu exposure (753-1140 mg kg(-1)), shoot Cu concentrations peaked for the C2 plants in the Unt plots, the C1 and C2 plants in the OMZ plot, and the C3 ones in the OMDL plots. Shoot Cu removal (in g Cu ha(-1) year(-1)) ranged from 15.4 (C2 on the CTRL soil) to 261.3 (C2 on moderately contaminated OMDL soils). The C2 plants phytoextracted more Cu than the C1 and C3 ones in the Unt plots and in the OMDL plots at moderate Cu exposure. In the OMDL plots with high Cu exposure, shoot Cu removal was highest for the C1 plants. Soil amendments improved shoot Cu removal through increase in either shoot DW yield (OMDL-3-fold) or shoot Cu concentration (OMZ-1.3-fold). Increased shoot Cu concentration induced an ionome imbalance with increased shoot Al, Fe, B, and Mg concentrations and decreased P and K ones. Copper concentrations in plant parts varied in decreasing order: roots > leaves > inflorescence (cymes including seeds) > stem, whereas Cu removal ranked as roots > stem = leaves > inflorescence.
dc.description.sponsorshipCOntinental To coastal Ecosystems: evolution, adaptability and governance - ANR-10-LABX-0045
dc.description.sponsorshipBiofortified and climate-resilient food and fodder production on marginal soils - ANR-20-FASU-0003
dc.publisherSpringer Verlag
dc.subject.enSoil amendment
dc.subject.enBioavailable metal stripping
dc.subject.enIron oxides
dc.subject.enNicotiana tabacum L
dc.title.enField evaluation of one Cu-resistant somaclonal variant and two clones of tobacco for copper phytoextraction at a wood preservation site
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences de l'environnement
bordeaux.journalEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research

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