SANPSY (Sommeil, Addiction, Neuropsychiatrie) - UMR 6033: Dépôts récents
Voici les éléments 81-100 de 102
Sleep deprivation therapy to reset the circadian pacemaker in a non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder: a case report.
(Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. vol. 17, n° 7, pp. 1503-1506, 2021-07-01)Article de revueLibre accès -
Circadian misalignment is associated with Covid-19 infection.
(Sleep Medicine. vol. 93, pp. 71-74, 2022-05-01)Article de revueLibre accès -
L’addiction aux écrans, un diagnostic valide ? Qui est touché ?
(The Conversation, 2022-11-16)Article de revueLibre accès -
An Ultra-Short Measure of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Is Related to Circadian Biological Rhythms: The French Psychometric Validation of the Barcelona Sleepiness Index.
(Journal of Clinical Medicine. vol. 11, n° 13, 2022-07-04)Article de revueLibre accès -
A Systematic Review of Sleep–Wake Disorder Diagnostic Criteria Reliability Studies
(Biomedicines, 2022-07-06)Article de revueLibre accès -
Towards a new approach to detect sleepiness: Validation of the objective sleepiness scale under simulated driving conditions
(Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. vol. 90, pp. 109-119, 2022-10-01)Article de revue -
Systematic Item Content and Overlap Analysis of Self-Reported Multiple Sleep Disorder Screening Questionnaires in Adults.
(Journal of Clinical Medicine. vol. 12, n° 3, pp. 852, 2023-01-20)Article de revueLibre accès -
The centrality of craving in network analysis of five substance use disorders
(Drug and Alcohol Dependence. vol. 245, pp. 109828, 2023-04-01)Article de revue -
Emotional Exhaustion, a Proxy for Burnout, Is Associated with Sleep Health in French Healthcare Workers without Anxiety or Depressive Symptoms: A Cross‐Sectional Study
(Journal of Clinical Medicine. vol. 12, n° 1895, 2023-02-22)Article de revueLibre accès -
Realist evaluation of three programmes aimed at reducing harm and risks associated with alcohol consumption in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region of France: the ECIAE study protocol
(BMJ Open. vol. 12, n° 10, pp. e057928, 2022-10-07)Article de revueLibre accès -
Intracranial empyema complicating sinusitis in childhood: Epidemiology, imaging findings and outcome
(International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. vol. 162, 2022-09-05)Article de revue -
Realist evaluation of the impact, viability and transferability of an alcohol harm reduction support programme based on mental health recovery: the Vitae study protocol
(BMJ Open. vol. 12, n° 8, 2022-08-11)Article de revueLibre accès -
Efficacy of a Smartphone-Based Virtual Companion to Treat Insomniac Complaints in the General Population: Sleep Diary Monitoring Versus an Internet Autonomous Intervention
(Journal of Clinical Medicine. vol. 11, n° 15, 2022-07-28)Article de revueLibre accès -
Sleep in Normal Aging, Homeostatic and Circadian Regulation and Vulnerability to Sleep Deprivation
(Brain Sciences. vol. 11, n° 8, 2021-07-29)Article de revueLibre accès -
Inventory and Analysis of Controlled Trials of Mobile Phone Applications Targeting Substance Use Disorders: A Systematic Review
(Frontiers in Psychiatry. vol. 12, 2021-02-22)Article de revueLibre accès -
Effectiveness and Acceptance of a Smartphone-Based Virtual Agent Screening for Alcohol and Tobacco Problems and Associated Risk Factors During COVID-19 Pandemic in the General Population
(Frontiers in Psychiatry. vol. 12, 2021-07-16)Article de revueLibre accès -
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and cannabis use after one year among students of the i-Share cohort
(European Psychiatry. pp. 1-18, 2022-03-29)Article de revueLibre accès -
The Pregnant Smoker Stigma Scale - Public Stigma (P3S-PS): development and validation in general French population
(Women and Health. vol. 62, n° 2, pp. 157-167, 2022-01-23)Article de revue -
Stigma Attached to Smoking Pregnant Women: A Qualitative Insight in the General French Population
(Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 2021-09-21)Article de revue -
Does Homeostatic Sleep Pressure Buildup Explain Objective Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Adults With ADHD? An Exploratory Study
(Frontiers in Psychiatry. vol. 12, pp. 586528, 2021-03)Article de revueLibre accès