Les cancers professionnels : risques et prévention
Article de revue
Este ítem está publicado en
Bulletin du Cancer. 2019, vol. 106, n° 7-8, p. 665-677
Resumen en inglés
Since 2008, cancer became the first cause of death in France, exceeding cardiovascular diseases. The part of occupational cancers is close to 5% of all cancers but may still be widely underestimated. The detection of ...Leer más >
Since 2008, cancer became the first cause of death in France, exceeding cardiovascular diseases. The part of occupational cancers is close to 5% of all cancers but may still be widely underestimated. The detection of occupational cancer risk factors remains complicated. Indeed, most occupational risk factors are also present in the general environment. Thus far, 36 substances and 13 activities have been classified as carcinogenic (Group 1) and 37 substances and 6 activities have been classified as probably carcinogenic (Group 2A) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The most common cancer site is the lung, followed by bladder and skin (except melanoma). The most frequently observed occupational exposure was chemicals, building and construction, mining, metal production and coal transformation. Thus far, preventive actions are mandatory in occupational health in France, and are about occupational exposure monitoring, protection of vulnerable populations and reinforced medical supervision. Research must be continued to improve the knowledge on occupational carcinogens, in order to better protect the health of workers.< Leer menos
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