A Comparative Study Between Cubic and Ellipsoidal Fokker-Planck Kinetic Models
Article de revue
This item was published in
AIAA Journal. 2019-06, vol. 57, n° 6, p. 2524-2533
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
English Abstract
Motivated by improving the performance of particle based Monte-Carlo simulations in the transitional regime, Fokker-Planck kinetic models have been devised and studied as approximations of the Boltzmann collision operator. ...Read more >
Motivated by improving the performance of particle based Monte-Carlo simulations in the transitional regime, Fokker-Planck kinetic models have been devised and studied as approximations of the Boltzmann collision operator. By generalizing the linear drift model, the cubic Fokker-Planck (cubic-FP) and ellipsoidal Fokker-Planck (ES-FP) have been proposed, in order to obtain the correct Prandtl number of 2/3 for a dilute monatomic gas. This study provides a close comparison between both models in low Mach and supersonic settings. While direct simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) here serves as the benchmark, overall close performance between cubic-FP, ES-FP and DSMC are observed. Furthermore, while the ES-FP out-performes the cubic-FP model in the shock region of the supersonic flow around a cylinder, the latter shows a better accuracy in the near continuum regime. It is argued that the reason behind these discrepancies lies in the entropy law besides the transport properties.Read less <
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