Blanks in the maps. On the relationship between researchers, participants and their map
Chapitre d'ouvrage
This item was published in
Narcotic Cities. Counter Cartography of Drugs and Spaces, Narcotic Cities. Counter Cartography of Drugs and Spaces. 2022
JOVIS Verlag
2022European Project
Governing the narcotic city. Imaginaries, practices and discourses of public drug in European cities (HERA Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe (2019-2022))
ANR Project
L'usage d'alcool et de drogues illicites dans les espaces publics et nocturnes. Enjeux et suggestions de solution pour les municipalités - ANR-16-SEBM-0002
Governing the narcotic city. Imaginaries, practices and discourses of public drug in European cities - ANR-19-HER2-0005
Governing the narcotic city. Imaginaries, practices and discourses of public drug in European cities - ANR-19-HER2-0005
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