Effets de distribution du voisinage orthographique et d'amorçage par répétition masqué.
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Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale. 2005, vol. 59, n° 3, p. 190-198
La présente étude examine l'effet de distribution du voisinage orthographique avec un paradigme d'amorçage par répétition masqué. Les deux voisins plus fréquents des mots cibles étaient soit distribués sur deux positions ...Leer más >
La présente étude examine l'effet de distribution du voisinage orthographique avec un paradigme d'amorçage par répétition masqué. Les deux voisins plus fréquents des mots cibles étaient soit distribués sur deux positions de lettres (par ex., TAUX/faux-toux), soit concentrés sur une seule position (par ex., SEAU/beau-peau). Les cibles étaient précédées par une amorce identique (amorçage par répétition) ou par une amorce contrôle. Des simulations réalisées avec le modèle à Activation Interactive (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981) indiquent des effets facilitateurs de distribution du voisinage et de répétition, mais pas d'interaction entre ces facteurs. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus dans une tâche de décision lexicale confirment ces prédictions. Les données sont interprétées en termes de pré-activation des unités lexicales impliquées dans la reconnaissance visuelle des mots cibles< Leer menos
Resumen en inglés
This research centres on the effect that the orthographic neighbourhood has in the visual recognition of words. Specifically, we studied to what extent orthographic neighbourhood distribution, that is, the number of letter ...Leer más >
This research centres on the effect that the orthographic neighbourhood has in the visual recognition of words. Specifically, we studied to what extent orthographic neighbourhood distribution, that is, the number of letter positions allowing formation of at least one neighbour (Pugh, Rexer, Peter, & Katz, 1994), influences the masked repetition priming effect. In a previous study (Mathey, Robert, & Zagar, 2004), interaction between neighbourhood distribution and orthographic priming was obtained in the lexical decision task. The Interactive Activation Model (IA; McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981) simulated this interaction. With the orthographic priming effect modified for distribution of the neighbourhood of target words, it was necessary to study whether the repetition priming effect also varied as a function of this indicator. Studying this interaction presents a major theoretical issue in specifying the activating and inhibiting processes presented in the IA model. Simulations were produced to obtain precise model predictions regard regarding the neighbourhood distribution effect in a repetitive priming situation for our experimental material. Target words all had two neighbours that were most frequent. These neighbours were isolated, that is, distributed over two letter positions (e.g.: TAUX/faux-toux), or associated, i.e., concentrated on one single position (e.g., SEAU/beaupeau). Targets were preceded by an identical priming (repetitive priming; e.g.: seau-SEAU) or by controlled priming (e.g., &&&&-SEAU). The simulation results obtained using the IA model show the facilitating effects of neighbourhood distribution and repetitive priming, but no interaction between these factors. The experimental results obtained in a lexical decision task confirm these predictions. Thus, the empirical data replicate the neighbourhood distribution's facilitating effect (Mathey & Zagar, 2000) as well as the facilitating effect of masked repetition (Forster & Davis, 1984). Finally, the most interesting result is that the facilitating effect of repetition is comparable for target words with associated neighbours and target words with isolated neighbours. An explanation of the combined effects of the orthographic neighbourhood and orthographic masked repetition priming, integrating data from literature as well as from the current study, is proposed within the framework of the IA model< Leer menos
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