The cutin polymer matrix undergoes a fine architectural tuning from early tomato fruit development to ripening
D’ORLANDO, Angelina
Unité de recherche sur les Biopolymères, Interactions Assemblages [BIA]
BIBS - Plateforme Bioressources : Imagerie, Biochimie & Structure
Unité de recherche sur les Biopolymères, Interactions Assemblages [BIA]
BIBS - Plateforme Bioressources : Imagerie, Biochimie & Structure
FANUEL, Mathieu
Unité de recherche sur les Biopolymères, Interactions Assemblages [BIA]
BIBS - Plateforme Bioressources : Imagerie, Biochimie & Structure
< Reduce
Unité de recherche sur les Biopolymères, Interactions Assemblages [BIA]
BIBS - Plateforme Bioressources : Imagerie, Biochimie & Structure
Article de revue
This item was published in
Plant Physiology. 2022, vol. 190, n° 3, p. 1821-1840
Oxford University Press ; American Society of Plant Biologists
English Abstract
The cuticle is a complex polymer matrix that protects all aerial organs of plants, fulfills multiple roles in plant-environment interactions, and is critical for plant development. These functions are associated with the ...Read more >
The cuticle is a complex polymer matrix that protects all aerial organs of plants, fulfills multiple roles in plant-environment interactions, and is critical for plant development. These functions are associated with the structural features of cuticles, and the architectural modeling of cuticles during plant development is crucial for understanding their physical properties and biological functions. In this work, the in-depth architecture of the cutin polymer matrix during fruit development was investigated. Using cherry tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum) as a model from the beginning of the cell expansion phase to the red ripe stage, we designed an experimental scheme combining sample pre-treatment, Raman mapping, multivariate data analyses and biochemical analyses. These approaches revealed clear chemical areas with different contributions of cutin, polysaccharides and phenolics within the cutin polymer matrix. Besides, we demonstrated that these areas are finely tuned during fruit development, including compositional and macromolecular rearrangements. The specific spatio-temporal accumulation of phenolic compounds (p-coumaric acid and flavonoids) suggests that they fulfill distinct functions during fruit development. In addition, we highlighted an unexpected dynamic remodeling of the cutin-embedded polysaccharides pectin, cellulose and hemicellulose. Such structural tuning enables consistent adaption of the cutin-polysaccharide continuum and the functional performance of the fruit cuticle at the different developmental stages. This study provides insights into the plant cuticle architecture and in particular into the organization of the epidermal cell wall-cuticle.Read less <
ANR Project
COPLAnAR : cartography corrélative pour élucider les relations structure-propriétés de la cuticule des plantes - ANR-21-CE11-0035
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