Signatures of odd-frequency correlations in the Josephson current of superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid junctions
Article de revue
Este ítem está publicado en
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015). 2015-09-17, vol. 92, n° 9, p. 094509 (1-8)
American Physical Society
Resumen en inglés
Contacting a bilayer ferromagnet with a singlet even-frequency superconductor allows for the realization of an effective triplet odd-frequency superconductor. In this work, we investigate the Josephson effect between ...Leer más >
Contacting a bilayer ferromagnet with a singlet even-frequency superconductor allows for the realization of an effective triplet odd-frequency superconductor. In this work, we investigate the Josephson effect between superconductors with different symmetries (e.g. odd- versus even-frequency). In particular, we study the supercurrent flowing between two triplet odd-frequency superconducting leads through a weak singlet even-frequency superconductor. We show that the peculiar temperature dependence of the critical current below the superconducting transition of the weak superconductor is a signature of the competition between odd/odd-frequency and odd/even-frequency Josephson couplings.< Leer menos
Palabras clave en inglés
Tunneling phenomena
Magnetic properties of interfaces (multilayers superlattices heterostructures)
Pairing symmetries (other than s-wave)
Andreev reflection
SN and SNS junctions
Josephson effects
Proximity effects
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