Interference phenomena and long - range proximity effect in clean superconductor -- ferromagnet systems
BUZDIN, Alexandre I.
Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d'Aquitaine [LOMA]
Institut universitaire de France [IUF]
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Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d'Aquitaine [LOMA]
Institut universitaire de France [IUF]
Article de revue
This item was published in
Physical Review Letters. 2012-12-05, vol. 109, n° 23, p. 237006 (1-5)
American Physical Society
English Abstract
We study peculiarities of proximity effect in clean superconductor -- ferromagnet structures caused by either spatial or momentum dependence of the exchange field. Even a small modulation of the exchange field along the ...Read more >
We study peculiarities of proximity effect in clean superconductor -- ferromagnet structures caused by either spatial or momentum dependence of the exchange field. Even a small modulation of the exchange field along the quasiparticle trajectories is shown to provide a long range contribution to the supercurrent due to the specific interference of particle- and hole- like wave functions. The momentum dependence of the exchange field caused by the spin -- orbit interaction results in the long -- range superconducting correlations even in the absence of ferromagnetic domain structure and can explain the recent experiments on ferromagnetic nanowires.Read less <
English Keywords
Proximity effects
Andreev reflection
SN and SNS junctions
Mesoscopic and nanoscale systems
Josephson devices
European Project
New Century of Superconductivity: Ideas, Materials, Technologies
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