Instrumental Political Support: Bringing Policy Preferences back into Explanations of EU Support
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
West European Politics. 2017-02-16
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Résumé en anglais
There is a joint development towards Europeanisation of public policies and anincreasing visibility and politicisation of European issues in EU member states.In this context, the degree of fit between individuals’ policy ...Lire la suite >
There is a joint development towards Europeanisation of public policies and anincreasing visibility and politicisation of European issues in EU member states.In this context, the degree of fit between individuals’ policy preferences andEuropean norms could be expected to influence support for the EU: this supportmight increase when Europeanisation makes the desired policies more likely, anddecrease when it hinders these policies. Multilevel analyses of the 2014 wave of theEuropean Election Study confirms the existence of such instrumental support forthe EU. The findings demonstrate that this support is shaped by policy preferenceson state intervention, immigration, moral issues and environmental protection.The results also show that the impact of these policy preferences is modulated bythe level of integration of the designated policy, by the weight of the policy issuein the country and, in some cases, by the level of individual political knowledge.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
European Union
Public Opinion
Policy preferences
political support
Project ANR
Les politiques à l'épreuve des partis, ou vice-versa? Visibilité des enjeux, arbitrages politiques et transformations des organisations partisanes en France - ANR-13-JSH1-0002
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