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hal.structure.identifierBiologie des organismes et des populations appliquées à la protection des plantes [BIO3P]
dc.contributor.authorTRAVADON, Renaud
hal.structure.identifierBIOlogie et GEstion des Risques en agriculture [BIOGER]
dc.contributor.authorSACHE, Ivan
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorDUTECH, Christian Cyril
hal.structure.identifierBIOlogie et GEstion des Risques en agriculture [BIOGER]
hal.structure.identifierInst Plant Genet
dc.contributor.authorSTACHOWIAK, Anna
hal.structure.identifierBiologie des organismes et des populations appliquées à la protection des plantes [BIO3P]
dc.contributor.authorMARQUER, Bruno
hal.structure.identifierBiologie des organismes et des populations appliquées à la protection des plantes [BIO3P]
dc.contributor.authorBOUSSET, Lydia
dc.description.abstractEnOutcomes of host-pathogen coevolution are influenced by migration rates of the interacting species. Reduced gene flow with increasing spatial distance between populations leads to spatial genetic structure, as predicted by the isolation by distance (IBD) model. In wind-dispersed plant-pathogenic fungi, a significant spatial genetic structure is theoretically expected if local spore dispersal is more frequent than long-distance dispersal, but this remains to be documented by empirical data. For 29 populations of the oilseed rape fungus Leptosphaeria maculans sampled from two French regions, genetic structure was determined using eight minisatellite markers. Gene diversity (H = 0.62-0.70) and haplotypic richness (R = 0.96-1) were high in all populations. No linkage disequilibrium was detected between loci, suggesting the prevalence of panmictic sexual reproduction. Analysis of molecular variance showed that >97 % of genetic diversity was observed within populations. Genetic differentiation was low among populations (F(st) < 0.05). Although direct methods previously revealed short-distance dispersal for L. maculans, our findings of no correlation between genetic and geographic distances among populations illustrate that the IBD model does not account for dispersal of the fungus at the spatial scale we examined. These results indicate high gene flow among French populations of L. maculans, suggesting high dispersal rates and/or large effective population sizes, two characteristics giving the pathogen high evolutionary potential against the deployment of resistant oilseed rape cultivars.
dc.subject.engene flow
dc.subject.enindirect measures 
dc.subject.enspatial genetic structure
dc.subject.enspore dispersal 
dc.subject.enallele frequency data
dc.subject.enin field populations
dc.subject.enphoma stem canker 
dc.subject.enoilseed rape
dc.subject.endemographic parameters 
dc.subject.enlocal adaptation 
dc.subject.enaerial dispersal
dc.subject.enflux de gène 
dc.subject.enmesures indirectes 
dc.subject.enstructure génétique 
dc.subject.endonnée de fréquence 
dc.subject.enpopulation de fonds de terre 
dc.subject.encanola brassica napus
dc.title.enAbsence of isolation by distance patterns at the regional scale in the fungal plant pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]
bordeaux.journalFungal Biology
hal.audienceNon spécifiée

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