Modelling the impact of forest management on deadwood and associated saproxylic beetle diversity
BRIN, Antoine
Dynamiques Forestières dans l'Espace Rural [DYNAFOR]
Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse) [Toulouse INP]
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Dynamiques Forestières dans l'Espace Rural [DYNAFOR]
Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse) [Toulouse INP]
BRIN, Antoine
Dynamiques Forestières dans l'Espace Rural [DYNAFOR]
Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse) [Toulouse INP]
Dynamiques Forestières dans l'Espace Rural [DYNAFOR]
Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse) [Toulouse INP]
TORRES, Ursula
Dynamiques Forestières dans l'Espace Rural [DYNAFOR]
Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse) [Toulouse INP]
< Réduire
Dynamiques Forestières dans l'Espace Rural [DYNAFOR]
Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse) [Toulouse INP]
Communication dans un congrès
Ce document a été publié dans
IUFRO 2nd International conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, 2012-08-27, Cork. 2012p. 22 p.
Résumé en anglais
Deadwood is a major component of forest biodiversity providing habitat for a large proportion of forest species, notably saproxylic beetles. However changes in forest management such as shorter rotation periods may affect ...Lire la suite >
Deadwood is a major component of forest biodiversity providing habitat for a large proportion of forest species, notably saproxylic beetles. However changes in forest management such as shorter rotation periods may affect the provision of this critical resource. Based on field inventories in 181 pine plantations, wood decay functions were calibrated. In the same forest stands, interception traps were set up to sample saproxylic beetles. We found that the saproxylic beetle species richness was significantly and positively correlated with the total volume per ha of deadwood from anthropogenic origin. An empirical tree growth model coupled with a stem profile model and a virtual logging tool gave the volume of branches and of logs with no commercial value as well as the diameter of stumps. Combined with decay functions, this framework allowedevaluating the volume of anthropogenic deadwood produced by successive thinnings and clear cut and then the dynamics of deadwood along a complete forestry rotation. We used this model to simulate the effect on deadwood of two main changes in forest management that are contemplated to adapt plantations to climate disturbances: increased thinning frequency and reduced rotation period. We observed that these new management alternatives may have dramatic effects on saproxylic beetles species richness at the stand scale but also on beta and gamma diversity of saproxylic beetles at the landscape scale. Nevertheless we also showed that relevant combinations of different forest managements within the same landscape may mitigate the adverse effects of intensive silviculture at the stand level. These results illustrate the interest of forest growth modelling and landscape planning for improving the maintenance of biodiversity in plantation forests.< Réduire
Mots clés
pinus pinaster
Mots clés en anglais
simulation study
forest biodiversity
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