Effect of interstitial carbon distribution and nickel substitution on the tetragonality of martensite: A first-principles study
MAUGIS, Philippe
Institut des Matériaux, de Microélectronique et des Nanosciences de Provence [IM2NP]
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Institut des Matériaux, de Microélectronique et des Nanosciences de Provence [IM2NP]
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Intermetallics. 2017-10, vol. 89, p. 92-99
Résumé en anglais
By using first principles calculations, the effects of carbon distribution and of 25 at.% of nickel substitution on the tetragonality of ferrous martensite have been investigated. Different carbon concentrations have been ...Lire la suite >
By using first principles calculations, the effects of carbon distribution and of 25 at.% of nickel substitution on the tetragonality of ferrous martensite have been investigated. Different carbon concentrations have been considered (0≤x c ≤ 12.5 at.%). All calculations were based on the Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) method of the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The Special Quasirandom Structure (SQS) method has been used to model the disordered structures of the Fe 16 C 2X and (Fe,Ni) 16 C 2X systems. Our calculations demonstrate that the lattice parameters a and c vary linearly with carbon concentration, up to the high value of x c = 12.5 at.% (for X = 1). The nickel substitution enhances the expansion of parameter c of the Fe 16 C 2X system up to 37%. This trend is correlated with the shear moduli calculated for bcc-iron and the disordered Fe25 at.%Ni structure. The mixing energies of the Fe 16 C 2X and (Fe,Ni) 16 C 2X systems indicate that the unmixing of martensite by spinodal decomposition is favoured by the nickel substitution. It is shown that carbon-carbon interactions are mostly repulsive until the distance of two bcc-iron lattice parameters.< Réduire
Project ANR
Etude de la décomposition spinodale dans les aciers martensitiques Fe-X-C - ANR-13-BS08-0014
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