A successful process to prevent corrosion of rich Gd-based room temperature magnetocaloric material during ageing
Article de revue
This item was published in
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021, vol. 850, p. 156554
English Abstract
When the heat transport processes occur in a magnetic refrigeration device, there is possibility of corrosion thereforth, insight on the magnetocaloric regenerator corrosion could be shed in light. Our work mimicks this ...Read more >
When the heat transport processes occur in a magnetic refrigeration device, there is possibility of corrosion thereforth, insight on the magnetocaloric regenerator corrosion could be shed in light. Our work mimicks this phenomenon by subjecting the magnetocaloric material Gd6Co1.67Si3 to controlled water flow. The corrosion is first explained based on the elemental electrochemical oxidation thereby allowing a new test by the exposing material in passive fluid (KOH) up to 1 year. The neglected degradation of the material was justified by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and depth profile Auger spectroscopy, and thus the control of its corrosion is reported. The effective control of the corrosion when material is exposed to KOH could be a universal procedure in magnetic refrigeration prototype.Read less <
English Keywords
Photoelectron spectroscopies
photoelectron spectroscopies
ANR Project
Nouveaux matériaux à effet magnétocalorique géant autour de la température ambiante et applications à la réfrigération magnétique - ANR-10-STKE-0008
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