Visible-transparent and UV/IR-opaque colloidal dispersions of Ga-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles
Article de revue
This item was published in
New Journal of Chemistry. 2016, vol. 40, n° 8, p. 7204-7209
Royal Society of Chemistry
English Abstract
Preliminary Mie scattering calculations show that ZnO:Ga nanoparticles dispersed in a visible-transparent matrix could create an efficient infrared barrier while remaining transparent to visible light. The ZnO:Ga supracolloidal ...Read more >
Preliminary Mie scattering calculations show that ZnO:Ga nanoparticles dispersed in a visible-transparent matrix could create an efficient infrared barrier while remaining transparent to visible light. The ZnO:Ga supracolloidal particles elaborated by a polyol process are successfully disaggregated in the presence of an alkanethiol, leading to stable dispersions whose absorption spectra are in agreement with calculations.Read less <
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