The layered iron phosphate KMgFe(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>: Crystal structure, Mössbauer spectroscopy and ionic conductivity
Article de revue
This item was published in
Solid State Ionics. 2009, vol. 180, n° 36-39, p. 1558-1563
English Abstract
A new iron phosphate, KMgFe(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> has been synthesized and investigated by X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and ionic conductivity. This compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group ...Read more >
A new iron phosphate, KMgFe(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> has been synthesized and investigated by X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and ionic conductivity. This compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c with the parameters <i>a</i> = 18.529(7) Å, <i>b</i> = 5.402(3) Å, <i>c</i> = 9.374(9) Å, <i>β</i> = 120.64(5)° and <i>Z</i> = 4. Its original structure can be described as the stacking along the [101] direction of [MgFe(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sup>−</sup><sub>2</sub>]<sub>∞</sub> layers of corner-sharing MO<sub>4</sub> (M = 0.5 Fe + 0.5 Mg) and PO<sub>4</sub> tetrahedra. The K<sup>+</sup> ions are occupying the inter-layer space. The Mössbauer spectroscopy confirms the occurrence of only tetrahedral Fe<sup>3+</sup> ions and gives a definitive proof of the disordered character of their distribution. Ionic conductivity results obtained by the impedance spectroscopy technique show that this material is a two-dimensional ionic conductor, with low activation energy, 0.51 eV, that is interpreted on the basis of two-dimensional pathways.Read less <
English Keywords
Iron phosphate
Layered structure
X-ray diffraction
Mössbauer spectroscopy
Ionic conductivity
Hal imported