Analysis of the electron localization, the anisotropy of electrical conductivity, the orbital ordering, and spin-exchange interactions in BaVS3 on the basis of first principles and semi-empirical electronic structure calculations
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Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2002, vol. 165, n° 2, p. 345-358
Resumen en inglés
The electrical transport and magnetic properties of BaVS3, made up of individual VS3 octahedral chains, were examined on the basis of firstprinciples and tight-binding electronicstructurecalculations. The electricalconductivity ...Leer más >
The electrical transport and magnetic properties of BaVS3, made up of individual VS3 octahedral chains, were examined on the basis of firstprinciples and tight-binding electronicstructurecalculations. The electricalconductivity of BaVS3 is nearly isotropic despite its one-dimensional structural feature, because of the orbitalinteractions associated with the short S***S contacts within each VS3 chain and between adjacent VS3 chains. The probable cause for the metal-insulator transition at ∼70 K was examined in terms of firstprincipleselectronicstructurecalculations, which indicate that the metallic and magnetic insulating states of BaVS3 are nearly the same in energy. This is consistent with the observation that the metal-insulator transition at ∼70 K is caused by electronlocalization. The observed magnetic properties of BaVS3 below ∼70 K are readily explained under the assumption that the symmetry-broken t2g-orbitals act as the magnetic orbitals in the magnetic insulating state of BaVS3. The probable cause for the latter was discussed.< Leer menos
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