Prompt and delayed $\gamma$ spectroscopy of neutron-rich $^{94}$Kr and observation of a new isomer
Article de revue
This item was published in
Physical Review C. 2020-12, vol. 102, n° 6, p. 064323
American Physical Society
English Abstract
Prompt and delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich 94Kr was performed, as part of the fission campaign at the ALTO facility of the IPN Orsay, using the fast-neutron-induced fission reaction 238U(n,f) in combination ...Read more >
Prompt and delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich 94Kr was performed, as part of the fission campaign at the ALTO facility of the IPN Orsay, using the fast-neutron-induced fission reaction 238U(n,f) in combination with the ν-Ball array, a novel hybrid γ spectrometer for energy and lifetime measurements. Several new yrast and nonyrast transitions were observed for the first time, extending the previously known level scheme. Additionally, we report on the observation of a new short-lived isomer at 3444 keV with a half-life of 32(3) ns. The analysis of the Nilsson orbitals obtained from Gogny cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations suggests a (9−) spin and an oblate deformation for this isomer corresponding to a two-quasineutron state, indicating an isomeric structure very similar to that of the neighboring isotones 96Sr and 92SeRead less <
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