Archéosciences Bordeaux - UMR 6034: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 459
Human occupation of the semi-arid grasslands of South Africa during MIS 4: New archaeological and paleoecological evidence from Lovedale, Free State
(Quaternary Science Reviews. vol. 283, pp. 107455, 2022-05)Article de revue -
Radiocarbon Dating of Anthropogenic Carbonates: What Is the Benchmark for Sample Selection?
(Heritage. vol. 3, n° 4, pp. 1416-1432, 2020)Article de revue -
Pleistocene archaeology and environments of the Free State, South Africa
(Azania : The journal of the British Institute of History and Archaeology in East Africa. vol. 59, n° 3, pp. 317-351, 2024)Article de revue -
Crystallinity assessment of anthropogenic calcites using Raman micro-spectroscopy
(Scientific Reports. vol. 13, n° 1, pp. 12971, 2023)Article de revue -
High-resolution multi-technique analysis of a continuous sediment core of the Baza Formation at Barranco León (Guadix-Baza Basin, Granada): First petrophysical results
(Journal of Iberian Geology, 2024-11-22)Article de revue -
What’s in a colluvial deposit? Perspectives from archaeopedology
(CATENA. vol. 198, pp. 105040, 2021-03)Article de revue -
The significance of aragonite in the interpretation of the microscopic archaeological record
(Geoarchaeology: An International Journal. vol. 36, n° 1, pp. 149-169, 2020-08-08)Article de revue -
Hunting in the skies: Dating, paleoenvironment and archaeology at the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site of Naḥal Roded 110, Eilat Mountains, Israel
(Paléorient. vol. 46, n° 1-2, pp. 43-68, 2020)Article de revue -
Numismatique et histoire évènementielle chez les Celtes : une relation houleuse
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Celtic coins and event history - a stormy relationship.
Communication dans un congrès -
The early Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site at Nesher-Ramla Quarry, Israel
(Quaternary International. vol. 624, pp. 148-167, 2022-06)Article de revue -
Obsidian in the Caribbean islands? Mysterious Ceramic Age glass artefacts in the Lesser Antilles
(Archaeometry. vol. 66, n° 6, pp. 1255-1279, 2024-12)Article de revue -
Le cas des méthodes paléodosimétriques
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Les manufactures bordelaises Johnston et Vieillard (1835 - 1895)
(Presses Universitaires de Limoges (Pulim), 2024)Ouvrage -
An updated chronology for Umbeli Belli and its implications for the Middle and Later Stone Ages
(South African Journal of Science. vol. 120, n° 7/8, 2024-07-31)Article de revue -
Entre marais et marées, la récolte du sel au Néolithique
(L'Archéologue. n° 172, pp. 46-49, 2024-12-01)Article de revue -
From copper‐based alloys to coins—Part I: Metallurgical characterization from complex manufacturing processes of imitation coins dated to the third century CE
(Archaeometry, 2024-12-21)Article de revue -
Personal ornaments from the South Caucasus: highlighting a hub of past cultural exchanges
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