Plant resilience and physiological modifications induced by curettage of esca-diseased grapevines
Article de revue
Este ítem está publicado en
Oeno One. 2021, vol. 55, n° 1, p. 153-169
Resumen en inglés
The re-emergence of Grapevine Trunk Diseases (GTDs), mainly Esca, has been observed in most of the world's vineyards during the last two decades. Development of necrosis in grapevine wood, especially white-rot, is typically ...Leer más >
The re-emergence of Grapevine Trunk Diseases (GTDs), mainly Esca, has been observed in most of the world's vineyards during the last two decades. Development of necrosis in grapevine wood, especially white-rot, is typically associated with Esca-diseased plants. One of the different methods being used in attempts to eradicate GTDs is curettage. This old cultural practice, which consists in surgically removing the necrotic wood, specifically white-rot, retaining only the non-necrotic tissue of Esca-diseased grapevine, is used in some European vineyards (Spain, France, Italy, Portugal), and is being increasingly reintroduced since 10 years ago in France. We, therefore, wanted to study the effect of curettage on vigour, fertility and berry quality, and year after year plant recovery. Our study synthetizes a 3-year experiment on Esca-diseased cv. Sauvignon blanc grapevines curetted in a commercial plot in the Bordeaux region. Asymptomatic control grapevines were compared to Esca-diseased grapevines without curettage (with typical foliar symptoms), and with curetted Esca-diseased grapevines (without foliar symptoms). Even if the curetted grapevines recovered lower vigour and fertility than the control plants, their grape berry quality was comparable, unlike for Esca-diseased grapevines. This cultural practice proved particularly effective in helping Esca-symptomatic grapevines to recover asymptomatic after treatment. Over time, curettage induces the resilience of grapevines, allowing them to recuperate their full physiological functioning, thereby compensating for Esca's detrimental impact on berry quality.< Leer menos
Palabras clave en inglés
Vitis vinifera L.
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